Gta San Andreas cheats PC. The PC version of GTA San Andreas uses keyboard cheat codes. Enter these codes at any time to activate a cheat. In order to make them easy to read, i have decide to categorize the full list of Gta San Andreas Cheats PC into Primary Cheats, Spawn Cheats, Weather Cheats.
- San Andreas
- GTA San Andreas vehicles cheat codes. Here is a list of cheat codes for vehicles in GTA San Andreas on PC and Android. Players can enter these cheat codes while playing or in the pause menu.
- For more questions for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas check out the question page where you can search or ask your own question. GTA: San Andreas Guide Packed with strategies for each and every mission in the game.
PC Cheats

San Andreas stores the last 29 characters typed on the keyboard, hashes the resulting string and compares it with the hashes of the cheats. Because the cheats are stored in hash form, it is much harder to figure out what they are. Most cheats have more than one code due to hash collisions and the intended cheat phrases for many took a long time to find. However the release of GTA: SA on Android provided the missing ones and now all intended codes are found, with the only exceptions being intentionally NULLed hashes.
Both toggleable and non-toggleable cheats exist. Non-toggleable cheats call a function which does something once. Toggleable cheats change the gameplay and set a byte in the memory to tell whether the cheat is active or not. Cheats have a minimum length of 6 characters and are stored all in upper-case.
The following text cheat codes are written in CamelCase for readability.
ID | Desc | Cheat Code | Hash | Function Address | Memory Address |
0 | Weapon Set 1 | ThugsArmoury | 0xDE4B237D | 0x4385B0 | |
1 | Weapon Set 2 | ProfessionalsKit | 0xB22A28D1 | 0x438890 | |
2 | Weapon Set 3 | NuttersToys | 0x5A783FAE | 0x438B30 | |
3 | Health, Armor, $250k | INeedSomeHelp | 0xEECCEA2B | 0x438E40 | |
4 | Wanted level 2 stars | TurnUpTheHeat | 0x42AF1E28 | 0x438E90 | |
5 | Clear wanted level | TurnDownTheHeat | 0x555FC201 | 0x438F20 | |
6 | Sunny weather | PleasantlyWarm | 0x2A845345 | 0x438F40 | |
7 | Very sunny weather | TooDamnHot | 0xE1EF01EA | 0x438F50 | |
8 | Overcast weather | DullDullDay | 0x771B83FC | 0x438F60 | |
9 | Rainy weather | StayInAndWatchTV | 0x5BF12848 | 0x438F70 | |
10 | Foggy weather | CantSeeWhereImGoing | 0x44453A17 | 0x438F80 | |
11 | Faster clock | TimeJustFliesBy | 0xFCFF1D08 | 0x96913B | |
12 | Faster gameplay | SpeedItUp | 0xB69E8532 | 0x438F90 | |
13 | Slower gameplay | SlowItDown | 0x8B828076 | 0x438FC0 | |
14 | Peds attack other (+ get golf club) | RoughNeighbourhood | 0xDD6ED9E9 | 0x439B20 | |
15 | Have a bounty on your head | StopPickingOnMe | 0xA290FD8C | 0x439C70 | |
16 | Everyone armed | SurroundedByNutters | 0x3484B5A7 | 0x969140 | |
17 | Spawn Rhino | TimeToKickAss | 0x43DB914E | 0x43A4A0 | |
18 | Spawn Bloodring Banger | OldSpeedDemon | 0xDBC0DD65 | 0x43A4B0 | |
19 | Spawn Rancher | DoughnutHandicap ** | 0x0 | 0x43A4C0 | |
20 | Spawn Hotring A | NotForPublicRoads | 0xD08A30FE | 0x43A4D0 | |
21 | Spawn Hotring B | JustTryAndStopMe | 0x37BF1B4E | 0x43A4E0 | |
22 | Spawn Romero | WheresTheFuneral | 0xB5D40866 | 0x43A4F0 | |
23 | Spawn Stretch | CelebrityStatus | 0xE63B0D99 | 0x43A500 | |
24 | Spawn Trashmaster | TrueGrime | 0x675B8945 | 0x43A510 | |
25 | Spawn Caddy | 18Holes | 0x4987D5EE | 0x43A520 | |
26 | Blow up all cars | AllCarsGoBoom | 0x2E8F84E8 | 0x439D80 | |
27 | Invisible cars | WheelsOnlyPlease | 0x1A9AA3D6 | 0x96914B | |
28 | Insane handling | StickLikeGlue | 0xE842F3BC | 0x96914C | |
29 | Suicide | GoodbyeCruelWorld | 0x0D5C6A4E | 0x438FF0 | |
30 | All green lights | DontTryAndStopMe | 0x74D4FCB1 | 0x96914E | |
31 | Aggressive drivers | AllDriversAreCriminals | 0xB01D13B8 | 0x96914F | |
32 | Pink traffic | PinkIsTheNewCool | 0x66516EBC | 0x4390D0 | |
33 | Black traffic | SoLongAsItsBlack | 0x4B137E45 | 0x4390F0 | |
34 | Cars on water | JQNTDMH* | 0x0 | 0x969152 | |
35 | Boats fly | FlyingFish | 0x78520E33 | 0x969153 | |
36 | Fat player | WhoAteAllThePies | 0x3A577325 | 0x439110 | |
37 | Max muscle | BuffMeUp | 0xD4966D59 | 0x439150 | |
38 | Skinny player | LeanAndMean | 0x5FD1B49D | 0x439190 | |
39 | Elvis is everywhere | BlueSuedeShoes | 0xA7613F99 | 0x4391D0 | |
40 | Peds attack you with rockets | AttackOfTheVillagePeople | 0x1792D871 | 0x439DD0 | |
41 | Beach party | LifesABeach | 0xCBC579DF | 0x439230 | |
42 | Gang members everywhere | OnlyHomiesAllowed | 0x4FEDCCFF | 0x439360 | |
43 | Gangs controls the streets | BetterStayIndoors | 0x44B34866 | 0x4393D0 | |
44 | Ninja theme | NinjaTown | 0x2EF877DB | 0x439E50 | |
45 | Slut magnet | LoveConquersAll | 0x2781E797 | 0x4393F0 | |
46 | Cheap cars | EveryoneIsPoor | 0x2BC1A045 | 0x4394B0 | |
47 | Expensive cars | EveryoneIsRich | 0xB2AFE368 | 0x4394E0 | |
48 | Cars fly | ChittyChittyBangBang | 0xFA8DD45B | 0x969160 | |
49 | Huge bunny hop | CJPhoneHome | 0x8DED75BD | 0x969161 | |
50 | Spawn Hydra | JumpJet | 0x1A5526BC | 0x43A530 | |
51 | Spawn Vortex | IWantToHover | 0xA48A770B | 0x43A540 | |
52 | Smash n' boom | TouchMyCarYouDie | 0xB07D3B32 | 0x969164 | |
53 | All cars have nitro | SpeedFreak | 0x80C1E54B | 0x969165 | |
54 | Cars float away when hit | BubbleCars | 0x5DAD0087 | 0x969166 | |
55 | Always midnight | NightProwler | 0x7F80B950 | 0x439510 | |
56 | Stop game clock orange sky | DontBringOnTheNight | 0x6C0FA650 | 0x439540 | |
57 | Thunder storm | ScottishSummer | 0xF46F2FA4 | 0x439570 | |
58 | Sand storm | SandInMyEars | 0x70164385 | 0x439590 | |
59 | (Unknown) | JQNTDMH* | 0x0 | 0x4395A0 | |
60 | Mega jump | Kangaroo | 0x885D0B50 | 0x96916C | |
61 | Infinite health | NoOneCanHurtMe | 0x151BDCB3 | 0x96916D | |
62 | Infinite oxygen | ManFromAtlantis | 0xADFA640A | 0x96916E | |
63 | Get parachute | LetsGoBaseJumping | 0xE57F96CE | 0x4395B0 | |
64 | Get jetpack | Rocketman | 0x040CF761 | 0x439600 | |
65 | Never wanted | IDoAsIPlease | 0xE1B33EB9 | 0x4396C0 | |
66 | Six wanted stars | BringItOn | 0xFEDA77F7 | 0x4396F0 | |
67 | Mega punch | StingLikeABee | 0x8CA870DD | 0x969173 | |
68 | Never get hungry | IAmNeverHungry | 0x9A629401 | 0x969174 | |
69 | Riot mode | StateOfEmergency | 0xF53EF5A5 | 0x439710 | |
70 | Funhouse theme | CrazyTown | 0xF2AA0C1D | 0x439720 | |
71 | Adrenaline mode | TakeAChillPill | 0xF36345A8 | 0x439880 | |
72 | Infinite ammo | FullClip | 0x8990D5E1 | 0x969178 | |
73 | Weapon aiming while driving | IWannaDriveBy | 0xB7013B1B | 0x4398D0 | |
74 | Reduced traffic | GhostTown | 0xCAEC94EE | 0x96917A | |
75 | Country traffic | HicksVille | 0x31F0C3CC | 0x439F60 | |
76 | Recruit anyone (9mm) | WannaBeInMyGang | 0xB3B3E72A | 0x96917C | |
77 | Recruit anyone (AK-47) | NoOneCanStopUs | 0xC25CDBFF | 0x96917D | |
78 | Recruit anyone (rockets) | RocketMayhem | 0xD5CF4EFF | 0x96917E | |
79 | Lock respect at max | WorshipMe | 0x680416B1 | 0x96917F | |
80 | Lock sex appeal at max | HelloLadies | 0xCF5FDA18 | 0x969180 | |
81 | Max stamina | ICanGoAllNight | 0xF01286E9 | 0x439930 | |
82 | Hitman level for all weapons | ProfessionalKiller | 0xA841CC0A | 0x4399D0 | |
83 | Max driving skills | NaturalTalent | 0x31EA09CF | 0x439A10 | |
84 | Spawn Hunter | OhDude | 0xE958788A | 0x43A550 | |
85 | Spawn Quad | FourWheelFun | 0x02C83A7C | 0x43A560 | |
86 | Spawn Tanker Truck | HitTheRoadJack | 0xE49C3ED4 | 0x43A570 | |
87 | Spawn Dozer | ItsAllBull | 0x171BA8CC | 0x43A660 | |
88 | Spawn Stunt Plane | FlyingToStunt | 0x86988DAE | 0x43A670 | |
89 | Spawn Monster | MonsterMash | 0x2BDD2FA1 | 0x43A680 | |
90 | Prostitutes pay you | JQNTDMH* | 0x0 | 0x96918A | |
91 | All taxis have nitrous | JQNTDMH* | 0x0 | 0x96918B |
Gta San Andreas Cheats Game Keyboard For Android
* cannot be activated due to the existence of a previous cheat using the same NULL hash.
** does not have an intended cheat string, the hash is intentionally NULLed
Gta San Andreas Android Cheats + Game Keyboard Apk Download
Console (PS2/Xbox) Cheats
Much like the method of encrypting cheats for the PC platform in order to obscure the actual cheat code, Rockstar Games also used hashing for cheat codes activated via button presses by converting each button to a text character and hashing the result in reverse.
This table displays the information extracted from the PS2 binary of the game, which is unlikely to differ in the Xbox version as they use the exact same code mappings.
Gta San Andreas Cheats Pc
ID | Desc | Code | Hash |
0 | Weapon Set 1 | 0x518BAD1E | |
1 | Weapon Set 2 | 0x867974FB | |
2 | Weapon Set 3 | 0x80750205 | |
3 | Health, Armor, $250k | 0xA5207BE5 | |
4 | Wanted level 2 stars | 0x97F19EA4 | |
5 | Clear wanted level | 0x4DCF6EE5 | |
6 | Sunny weather | 0xD8F6171B | |
7 | Very sunny weather | 0xA44D2630 | |
8 | Overcast weather | 0x02D2331E | |
9 | Rainy weather | 0xAE882F29 | |
10 | Foggy weather | 0x8F590254 | |
11 | Faster clock | 0x6A171AC9 | |
12 | Faster gameplay | 0xB4EDE50D | |
13 | Slower gameplay | 0xA6CBC466 | |
14 | Peds attack other (+ get golf club) | 0x7F9F9BE0 | |
15 | Have a bounty on your head | 0xF0031628 | |
16 | Everyone armed | 0x2A849202 | |
17 | Spawn Rhino | 0x9454290D | |
18 | Spawn Bloodring Banger | 0xEEE6A1EE | |
19 | Spawn Rancher | 0xE5BB7DE4 | |
20 | Spawn Hotring A | 0xB1865C87 | |
21 | Spawn Hotring B | 0xD9606CB7 | |
22 | Spawn Romero | 0xB533F81F | |
23 | Spawn Stretch | 0xDDE3ECA2 | |
24 | Spawn Trashmaster | 0xF8027C81 | |
25 | Spawn Caddy | 0x1B184F2B | |
26 | Blow up all cars | 0x09656C54 | |
27 | Invisible cars | 0x62B594B1 | |
28 | Insane handling | 0xFBC9B3A8 | |
29 | Suicide | 0x53EE1352 | |
30 | All green lights | 0xBAC116E1 | |
31 | Aggressive drivers | 0x8FA0B3BF | |
32 | Pink traffic | 0x9C57938A | |
33 | Black traffic | 0x887620F7 | |
34 | Cars on water | 0xFD27F498 | |
35 | Boats fly | 0x56E4BB70 | |
36 | Fat player | 0x9A5F52B5 | |
37 | Max muscle | 0x49BA4900 | |
38 | Skinny player | 0x19208B6A | |
39 | Elvis is everywhere | 0x8644854E | |
40 | Peds attack you with rockets | 0x51E41320 | |
41 | Beach party | 0xE89BF194 | |
42 | Gang members everywhere | 0xC3CC20CF | |
43 | Gangs controls the streets | 0xB79BC98F | |
44 | Ninja theme | 0x21953B77 | |
45 | Slut magnet | 0x9180B0BD | |
46 | Cheap cars | 0x12D165A9 | |
47 | Expensive cars | 0x9C2E6D4E | |
48 | Cars fly | 0xF47EB898 | |
49 | Huge bunny hop | 0x825A0D49 | |
50 | Spawn Hydra | 0x103FB71C | |
51 | Spawn Vortex | 0x9A6CFBB3 | |
52 | Smash n' boom | 0x2A379A4D | |
53 | All cars have nitro | 0x57A6F8D0 | |
54 | Cars float away when hit | 0x688F9533 | |
55 | Always midnight | 0x7640E454 | |
56 | Stop game clock orange sky | 0xC3359459 | |
57 | Thunder storm | Unknown | 0xE1D4D60D |
58 | Sand storm | 0x63D354C1 | |
59 | (Unknown) | Unknown | 0x4E6E459B |
60 | Mega jump | 0xED0309C6 | |
61 | Infinite health | 0xF0C6272D | |
62 | Infinite oxygen | 0xC31EC24F | |
63 | Get parachute | 0x5FF3EFA8 | |
64 | Get jetpack | 0xB40E31E5 | |
65 | Never wanted | 0x331804CD | |
66 | Six wanted stars | 0x44A95F0C | |
67 | Mega punch | 0xC58051F4 | |
68 | Never get hungry | 0x07F5FFEC | |
69 | Riot mode | 0xCB32F7AE | |
70 | Funhouse theme | 0xF9BC0421 | |
71 | Adrenaline mode | 0xF9205C67 | |
72 | Infinite ammo | 0xF24C377C | |
73 | Weapon aiming while driving | 0xB4646273 | |
74 | Reduced traffic | 0x20DF2C9A | |
75 | Country traffic | 0xCDE25320 | |
76 | Recruit anyone (9mm) | 0x7F816CFC | |
77 | Recruit anyone (AK-47) | Unknown | 0xA3CFE345 |
78 | Recruit anyone (rockets) | 0x31830183 | |
79 | Lock respect at max | 0xF35B86E2 | |
80 | Lock sex appeal at max | 0x532EC19E | |
81 | Max stamina | 0x77C91C9B | |
82 | Hitman level for all weapons | 0xE2512B4E | |
83 | Max driving skills | 0x7ABC4E2D | |
84 | Spawn Hunter | 0x62F26615 | |
85 | Spawn Quad | 0xF96D57D3 | |
86 | Spawn Tanker Truck | 0xD5791CE1 | |
87 | Spawn Dozer | 0xEB433433 | |
88 | Spawn Stunt Plane | 0x86FA7603 | |
89 | Spawn Monster | 0xACE1A711 | |
90 | Prostitutes pay you | Unknown | 0x0 |
91 | All taxis have nitrous | Unknown | 0x0 |