Chrono Trigger Cheats Snes Game Genie

No Comments on Cheats for Chrono Trigger SNES; In-game reset: Hold L + R and press Select + Start. Alternate endings: A new option will appear after completing the game for the first time. Use this option and load a saved game to restart with items obtained in the previous game. Complete this special game to view an alternate ending sequence.

  • 1Stuck in End of Time Glitch
  • 22 Epochs Glitch

Stuck in End of Time Glitch[edit]

Occurs in all versions of Chrono Trigger[edit]

I've never encountered this bug myself, nor heard about it happening in the SNES/PSX versions. After reading the posts on GameFAQs, and now here, I decided to investigate.

The problem occurs if the characters are moving when a save point is activated. It is possible to be out of bounds of the save point during the time the menu is activated and the screen transition is complete. Upon saving, instead of saving the exact coordinates, the value gets rounded. When the save game is loaded later on, the character could be stuck in the wall.

To avoid this situation completely, stop moving before activating the save point.

If you do get stuck in the End of Time, enter the menu, and the instant you press the button to exit, hold the d-pad and dash button towards the open area.

In action:

Game or Patch Questions? Fifa 07 pc game cheats.

Pet vet computer game cheats. This video was done on the SNES version.

Other confirmed SNES locations:

  • Location 17C - Terra Cave
  • Location 194 - Ocean Palace entrance
  • Location 19A - Ocean Palace (the second save point)
  • Location 1C2 - Black Omen (save point before Queen Zeal battle)
  • Location 1DA - Lavos tunnel
  • Location 1EF - Death Peak cliffs

Unlike the End of Time, it doesn't appear possible to escape if you get stuck in the wall in these areas.

Thanks to JLukas for the explanation and the many people who pointed out this glitch.

2 Epochs Glitch[edit]

Occurs in SNES and DS versions of Chrono Trigger, PSX unconfirmed[edit]

After finishing Mt. Woe, the seal is broken on the 12000 BC cave gate and the skyway teleporters to Zeal. All of these are shared by bit 0x80 in 7F0057.

Warp the Epoch to 2300 AD Keeper's Dome. Then travel through the Sewer Access and Lab 32 to get to the Proto Dome, and use the portal back to the End of Time. Activate the warp pillar to return to 12000 BC. (It should be pointed out now that this would explain the rarity of the glitch - it's highly unlikely the player would take an unnecessary trip through 2300 AD on foot at this specific point in the story)

Continue the game normally until the upgraded Epoch is obtained.

After receiving the Chrono Trigger, fly the Epoch to 2300 AD and enter the Keeper's Dome. The Nu isn't blocking the door, and the original Epoch will crash the game when boarded. Pressing the confirm button will play the time warping sound over and over.

It is possible to avoid the crash, and delete the duplicate Epoch, if you move the original Epoch before talking to Gaspar. The next time you visit the Keeper's Dome, the Nu will be in the corridor.

Thanks to HyperNerd for addressing this.Thanks to JLukas for the explanation.

At first when I was experimenting today I thought it was impossible to salvage, but now I might have a solution. Someone will have to test if it actually works in the actual glitched scenario. Take the winged Epoch to the Present, Middle Ages, or Prehistoric. Then use the time gates to get to the hangar and then get in the duplicate Epoch.

This is the technical explanation. There's a variable, at $7F00CD in the SNES version, that's used for the various Epoch close-up scenes (Keeper's Dome hangar, either 1999 A.D. scene, and the End of Time). Before getting the Epoch and when you enter one of these scenes through the Epoch, it's set to 00. When you're departing to another time period from one of these scenes, it's set to 01. When the Epoch has been left at the End of Time, it's 06. There are other values from cutscenes too, but those are the ones that can easily produced multiple times in a playthrough. I couldn't find any location events after obtaining the flying Epoch that would set the variable back to 00 and not get immediately overridden by the warp-out, which is why I initially concluded it was impossible. The point of JLukas' advice, 'before talking to Gaspar' is to move the Epoch from the hangar before that variable can be set again.

Because of the way the event code is set up, when you try to use the seats when $7F00CD is set to 01, it automatically tries to run the 'warp out' sequence. Since you didn't get a chance to select an era from the era select, it fails to send you anywhere. So, we need to set the era (variable:$7E02AF) beforehand with the flying Epoch (luckily the variable doesn't get overriden during all that travel), but it has to be a map the wingless one can go to. So the Future and post-fall Dark Ages are out, and the End of Time too because it sets $7F00CD to another value the hangar can't deal with.


Another possibility. If you haven't seen Lavos erupt yet, then use the Bucket, see the eruption, decline to fight, then use the gates to either get to Keeper's Dome, or if you parked it somewhere besides the End of Time, the Epoch. When the game returns from the scene of looking at Lavos, it sets 7F00CD to 02, same value it uses when you cancel out of the era select in one of the Epoch close-up scenes. But in this case, you have a chance to leave and preserve the value rather than it getting overwritten when the Epoch warps out.

Thanks to Vehek

Control Lucca[edit]

I was experimenting with a Walk Through Walls code and I found an interesting use for it.

When you control Lucca alone in the Fiona's Forest event, you can walk around with one character if you use a code to leave Lucca's house. You can also use the Y button to switch with other people. Now you can walk around with one character! A couple of notes, though. If you go to an event or do an action that requires 3 characters to show a different graphic at one time (such as going to the End of Time), the game will freeze. Also, you'll need Epoch if you want to go somewhere else besides the present. You can still fight. Now Janus can go kill Lavos alone like he always wanted to! If you want to return to having 3 characters again, just go to Lucca's house and use the WTW to go into the red gate like you normally would. If the weird time warp music is played everywhere you go, just go to 1999 AD in Epoch and say so no to fighting Lavos and the music will return to normal.

Thanks to CetraRagnarok for this glitch.

Magus vs. Magus[edit]

I for one have wanted to see this happen for years. And, with a combination of info from this site, the classic GG codes, and plain dumb luck, I've finally pulled it off..a SOLO Magus vs. Magus battle! And I've got the savestate to prove it, if anyone's willing to host.

Here's how you can pull it off.

  • Load any advanced savestate and put Magus in the first position in your party. Go to 1000 AD Truce.
  • Enter the following code and activate it. This resets the event counter to just before Magus' battle.

7f000089 (Ozzie Defeated)

  • Enter the Truce Market, then enter these codes. After that, walk around in circles within the Market for a bit.

c0102cda (???)
c09b47ff (Walk Thru Walls)

  • You will appear in a wall near the midpoint of Magus' Castle. Walk through the wall towards the exit to your left. Enter it, then turn the last two codes off. A word of warning: even with those codes off, backtracking in the Castle, or pressing 'down' in the wrong place, can cause you to go to an unexpected location such as Manoria Cathedral.
  • Fight through Magus' Castle until you reach the Inner Sanctum and approach Magus..
  • When you see the line, 'Frog: Magus!!', then enter these codes and activate both of them.


This step empties the 2nd and 3rd positions in the active party. Those characters will be 'erased' until you turn the codes back off.

  • Enjoy!

Thanks to BFG

From: Cheats and Glitches

See also[edit]

From: Cheats and Glitches

Chrono trigger cheats snes game genie game
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This is kind of a stretch, but is it possible that the Truce Inn chest's value (57342) means something in Goroawase (e.g. 5 7 3 = Ko na mi)? --BMF54123 16:56, 16 August 2010 (EDT)

A friend of mine suggested that, by that method, the 4-2 could mean 'shini', or 'dead'. Some sort of subtle jab at Konami? No idea if they and Square had any kind of rivalry going, but.. -YK 17:10, 16 August 2010 (EDT)

Version Differences? Stupid question, yes, but.. I notice this and the FF6 pages seem to be mostly for the English versions of the game.. is it possible there's quite a bit more unused content in the original Japanese versions, as I couldn't say whether the English translation required more space and some of the unused material was deleted, or Square took the time to clean things up a bit more for the English releases?--Aoi 02:41, 7 September 2010 (EDT)

No, it's not a stupid question at all; there's certainly precedent for such things. I, frankly, wouldn't be at all surprised if some additional content was present in the Japanese versions and cut entirely from the English translations. Those two pages are primarily for the English versions for the simple reason that I've only *played* the English versions of those games.. for now. I plan to go through the Japanese versions at a later date, and, if nothing else, note significant (non-text, natch) changes between the versions.. -YK 03:02, 7 September 2010 (EDT)

Unused Belthasar sprites

From 9:31 onwards, there are unused Belthasar sprites. Since they're obviously covered here in the vid, maybe someone can get a clean rip of them?

The preceding unsigned comment was added bySGR (talk) • (contribs) 22:26, 18 August 2010‎

Huh. Why isn't this on the unused graphics page yet? Well, looks like I've found a distraction from my ROM hack.. again. >v>
~ Doc Lithius(Info|Chat|Edits) 12:13, 3 December 2016 (EST)

Chrono Trigger Game Genie Cheats

Unused location names

Chrono trigger snes cheat codes

Not sure if this matters, but a text dump of the Japanese script suggests that Eternal Repose and Breakwave Pt. were meant to be shops of some kind - their Japanese names were '永遠のいこい亭' and 'さざなみ亭,' respectively, with the character 亭 meaning shop.

Well, that would explain why I couldn't figure out where they could've been used. Probably just fancy names for shops at, most likely, Truce and Porre. -YK 02:06, 16 March 2011 (EDT)

亭 is more like 'stop', as in 'rest stop'. I'd translate these to Eternal Rest Stop and Ripple Rest Stop. GlitterBerri 23:45, 12 February 2012 (EST)

So, essentially inns or cafes? I'll update the article accordingly. -YK 23:47, 12 February 2012 (EST)

You got it. IIRC, the inns in the towns of Chrono Trigger are just called 宿 (inn) if you walk over them. It could be that they once had individual names. Thanks a lot for the edit! :) GlitterBerri 18:21, 13 February 2012 (EST)

Fiery Marle

That's cool about Marle being able to use fire spells at one point, ReyVGM! Unfortunately, the present consensus is that the wiki should only contain data about version differences and actual unused stuff that's present in the game, so beta doesn't count. You could always let somewhere like [] know about your discovery, though. :) In addition, a few of the admins dislike it when people call things 'beta', I guess it isn't proper terminology. I'm really interested in this stuff, too, however, so I hope you post it somewhere if it isn't known yet! - GlitterBerri 14:13, 25 June 2012 (EDT)

Yeah I kind of thought it probably wasn't going to get accepted. I'm just discovering this site now, so I thought of posting it here too. Chronocompendium already knows as I was the one that found that information last year. Although, some of their members might have noticed that before I did, I never saw anyone posting or mentioning that information anywhere else until I did. ReyVGM 14:25, 25 June 2012 (EDT)

V-Jump Screenshots

Two more alpha shots just came to light:

One - TwoZeaLitY (talk) 21:41, 1 March 2015 (EST)

Aurelia game cheat codes gta san andreas. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies.

9 Character Select Screen

Using the Game Genie code 1971-E46F will swap the load game menu with a 'WHO'LL YOU REPLACE?' screen with 9 slots rather than 7. Pretty sure the menu it's self isn't a result of the code but a redirect to an unused menu. That's all the information I can find on it.--Jereth (talk) 17:11, 5 March 2015 (EST)

I typo'd this a year ago I hit 8 instead of 7. The code above is now correct for the US version.Jereth (talk) 17:23, 15 March 2016 (EDT)

My change re: A.D. and B.C. was incorrectly reverted. B.C. comes after a year while A.D. comes before, as it is XXX Before Christ and Ano Domino XXX. By way of proof: (talk) 07:53, 23 February 2017 (EST)

The Game Genie code ends up calling the normal 'WHO'LL YOU REPLACE?' screen, which has room for 3 active and 6 reserve party members. Normally empty slots are disabled by setting the 0x80 bit, but at this point that data is all zeros. --Mauron (talk) 03:03, 26 November 2017 (EST)

Enemies and Weapon Effects.

The Omicrone seems to display normally if the enemy index is set to 3. I'm not entirely clear how this works, but certain enemy indexes will cause graphical glitches on certain sprite sizes, and Omicrone replacing Gato would cause this. There's a mostly stated unused Magus after the North Cape Magus with weaker stats, lower rewards, and a different AI.

Game Genie Codes Chrono Trigger

In the Weapon Effects, it's important to note that these can be used by player and enemy techs as well. There are multiple variations of the higher/lower damage modifiers, many of which are used by dual and triple techs. The instant kill that works on bosses is used by bosses with multiple parts (Lavos, Guardian, Giga Gaia, etc) to destroy smaller parts when the main body is defeated. I can't see any type flags that are set on dinosaurs. I'll put together a list of effects and verify used ones later. --Mauron (talk) 03:27, 26 November 2017 (EST)

Chrono Trigger Snes Cheat Codes

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